Standard Holders
Splash-cooled Holders
Control System
Throat Boost
Pulsed or Continuous Flow
Adjustable Tubes and Fixing Systems
Supply of complete furnace
Batch Chargers
Level Controllers
Cooling Tubes
Dry Type Feeder Electrodes (air-cooled and water-cooled)
All-Electric Forehearth
Hot Drilling & Installation (electrodes and bubblers)
Remote Maintenance
Corporate Structure
Glass Service, a.s. (GS) supplies innovative services as well as hardware and software products to improve glass melting, conditioning and forming efficiency. GS helps customers to increase glass quality, production efficiency and yield while reducing costs and emissions – all with the highest degrees of Responsiveness, Quality and Excellence.
FlammaTec, spol. s r.o. & FlammaTec Germany GmbH offer burners suitable for all type of regenerative furnaces, end-port and side-port. All burners produce highly luminous flame with under-port and side-port installation and they are suitable for oil, gas and dual fuel creating low NOx through excellent heat transfer resulting in faster batch melting.
Augmented Sensors and Systems d.o.o. (A-SENS) is an innovative company active when Glass meets Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Smart Factory etc. A-SENS offers Augmented Sensors and Systems as well as Advanced Vision & Control Systems for Furnace Operation.
F.I.C. (UK) Limited
Long Rock Industrial Estate Penzance, Cornwall TR20 8HX United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 1736 366 962 F: +44 (0) 1736 351 198 [email protected]
VAT GB337144760
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